After a participant has been assigned to a case they will be grouped and be displayed grouped by cases in the cases tab. You can assign a participant to a case through the ungrouped participant's tab.
By default, cases are shown in a summary view. They do not show participants that are grouped to that case. Each case shows the case number and a count of participants that are in the waiting room and in the meeting room associated with that case. The blue status icon represents participants that are in the waiting room and the green icon represents participants that are in the meeting room.
View or hide participants in a case
You can click on the "View Participants" link located on the top right of each case to view participants that are grouped to that case. When a case is expanded you can hide the participants for that case by clicking on the "Hide Participants" link.
Searching for a case
You can search for a case by typing in the search input located at the top of the control panel on the cases tab. Search by case number to find the case you are looking for. Search is limited to two results. Results will be displayed at the top above all cases. You can search for a case anytime even when you have an active case started.
Start a case
Start a case by clicking the "Start Case" button. Starting a case will admit all grouped participant's into the meeting room. Once a participant is in the meeting room you will see a green status icon next to their name.
When a case is active you cannot start another case at the same time. The case has to be ended before you can start another case.
Note: When starting a case you will see the notice "Zoom is processing your request". This notice means that is sending requests to Zoom to admit each participant into the meeting. There is currently a limit of one second per participant. This means if you have 20 participants associated with a case it will take approximately 20 seconds to bring everyone into the meeting.
Start a case with one participant
You can start a case with only one participant by clicking on the participant options button and then clicking the "Start case with only this participant" link. This allows you to start a case with just one person before bringing everyone else assigned to that case.
End a Case
When a case is active you can end a case by clicking on the "End Case" button.
Ending a case will take the following actions:
Participants that are assigned to only the case that is being ended will be removed from the meeting.
Participants that are assigned to multiple cases will be added to the waiting room if the participant has other pending cases
Participants that are assigned to multiple cases will be removed if they have no more pending cases
The case will end allowing you to start another case
Admitting and putting participant's in the waiting room
At any time in the control panel, you can admit and put a participant back into the waiting room. If the participant is grouped to a case they will remain grouped to the case when admitting them and putting them into the waiting or meeting rooms.
To admit or put a participant into the waiting room click on the more options button next to a participant.
Removing Participants from the Meeting
At any time in the control panel, you can remove a participant from the meeting. Removing a participant from the meeting will remove them from all grouped cases, from the control panel, and from Zoom.
Remove a participant from the control panel
Removing a participant from the control panel will remove them from the control panel but will keep them in the waiting or meeting room (depending on where they are at the time of removal). This can be useful for other court personnel or select participants that you don't want to manage through the control panel.
Cases - More Options
It is possible to take action on cases without starting or ending cases.
For example, you can admit participants that are grouped to a case without starting a case. This could be useful in some use cases if you would like to admit multiple grouped participants while a case is still active.
To do this click on the "More" button next to the case that you want to take action on. This will give you two options "Admit All" or "Put All in Waiting Room". Click "Admit All" to admit the entire case while another case is active. You can also put all the participants back into the waiting room by clicking the "More" button and clicking the option "Put All in Waiting Room".