Once your account is set up you'll want to customize the default options such as the title and the roles that appear on the registration page.
You will be able to modify your meeting topic, customize your logo, and manage your roles through the settings page. To get to your settings page click on the top right-hand corner where your avatar or initials appear then click on the options "settings".
Viewing your Registration Page
To get started you'll want to see what your current registration page looks like. To do this click on the eye icon where your registration page link appears. Your registration link is accessible on the homepage and on the settings page.
Customize your registration page
On the settings page, you are able to modify your meeting topic, customize your logo, and manage your roles. To get to your settings page click on the top right-hand corner where your avatar or initials appear then click on the options "settings".
Edit Meeting Topic
To edit your meeting topic that appears on your registration page click the edit button next to the current meeting topic. Modify your topic and click save.
Modify Logo
To change your logo click on the change your logo button in the "Logo" section. Upload a JPG or PNG image. When the upload is complete your new logo should be saved.
You can remove your logo by hovering over the current logo and clicking on the trash icon to delete the existing logo. If you don't have a custom logo uploaded you will not be able to delete the logo that was set by your organization.
Manage Roles
The roles that initially appear on your account are inherited from your organization. You can create, edit, rearrange, or delete any of these roles to your liking.
Note: If you have less than 2 roles in your account your organization settings will be displayed on your registration. You'll need to have a minimum of 3 roles for your roles to appear.
To edit a roll, click the edit button next to the role. You can edit the English and Spanish translation for each role. Spanish roles are optional. If you do not include a Spanish role the English role will be displayed in your Spanish registration page. When you are done modifying your role click save to save the role.
To create a new roll, click on the "New Role" button. Type in your new role under the English and optionally Spanish columns. Once you are done click save to create the new role.
To rearrange roles click and drag on the arrows next to the role.
To delete a role, click on the "Delete" button next to the role. You will be asked to confirm if you would like to remove the role. Click "Ok" to delete the role.